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北西弘(編者)、中世社会と一向一揆、吉川弘文館、東京、1985年 (Kitanishi Hiromu (Editor), Medieval Society and Ikkō Ikki, Yoshikawa Kōbunkan, Tokyo, 1985)


北西弘(編者)、中世社会と一向一揆、吉川弘文館、東京、1985年 (Kitanishi Hiromu (Editor), Medieval Society and Ikkō Ikki, Yoshikawa Kōbunkan, Tokyo, 1985)

金龍 静、「蓮如教団と一向一揆との関連性」、pp.57-74 (Kinryu Shizuka, "The relationship of Rennyo followers to the Ikkō Ikki", pp.57-74

戦国期に多くの一向一揆がおこった。だが必ずしも日本全国でおこったわけではなく、主に畿内、中間地帯が中心である。その理由は、外部要因論(領主制や惣結合の地域的進展度)に拠らない限り、非一揆地帯には見られず一揆地帯に限って特徴的な教団のあり方の中に求められるにちがいない(The reason for the prevalence of ikkō ikki within the Kinai and central region stems not only from outside pressure-local landlords and the development of the sō village system-yet also because these regions had characteristics that distinguished them from other areas in which ikki had not occurred)。また一向一揆は戦国期にしかおこっていない(moreover, these ikkō ikki only took place during the Sengoku era)。その理由もまた外部要因論に拠らない限り、戦国期以前あるいは以後の本願寺教団とは異なる、戦国期特有の蓮如教団のあり方の中に求められるにちがいいない。(61)(This therefore implies that the manner in which the Honganji faithful (or more correctly, the disciples of Rennyo) acted varied both before and after the Sengoku period).

そもそも、一つの集団には集団固有の身分呼称と身分編成の原理があって然るべきである。本願寺は教団の直接的基盤となる成員を、世俗的身分序列(国人・土豪・百姓)とか旧来の宗教的身分序列(寺院・道場・坊主・門徒)とは相対的に別な基準で確定していった (Hence Honganji had a system of differentiation between the faithful based on social status. This was divided between those who were directly taught by the head of the sect, as opposed to those of secular background and those who belonged to pre-existing religious organizations and social groups)。その一例として、実如の代に宗主の側近であった端坊(はしのぼう)と法敬坊(ほうきょうぼう)をあげてみよう。端坊は、教団内で独自の地位を占める興正寺の筆頭未寺ではあるが、旧来の身分序列からすると、あくまで陪臣(門徒之坊主衆)的存在である。法敬坊は、蓮如に近似した側近であるが、元は「下部」と称される下層身分の出身者といわれている。(62)

本願寺は、蓮如の出張する信心為本の教説を受けとめた人々に対し「直参」という身分を付与し、個々に直参坊主分としてあるいは集団的に直参衆として、彼らを教団の直接的成員としていったのである。(62) Honganji granted the designation of `direct status` on those who had received instruction from Rennyo himself, either as individual priests or as a member of a group.

Direct and indirect affiliation with Honganji:

直参身分とは、呼称通り、本願寺宗主に直接参じうる身分のことである。本願寺から見た限りでの身分であり、それ故直参分であると同時に従来通り「○○寺門徒」である続けても矛盾しない (The designation of direct status meant that one was directly linked to Honganji. This was applied to Monto as well, regardless of their origin)。直参分の多くは各地の有力坊主である(this status was mostly conveyed on influential priests)が、中にはその坊主の有力門徒(「門徒之坊主分」)とか、「大坂六町衆」といった町衆、さらには加賀の俗躰の有力指導者たる「郡」衆も含まれていた(yet also included the priests of powerful Monto, the heads of the six towns of the Osaka region, and the secular `gun` organizations of the Kaga region)。新興蓮如教団は、古真宗の流れを汲む(くむ)諸門流・諸派等の糾合を計りながら形成されていったため、従来の「本寺―未寺―道場」といった縦の序列関係も、「坊主―門徒」身分も、そのまま教団内へもち込まれることとなった。(63)
(The newly formed Rennyo faithful stemmed from the amalgamation of various (older) sects and strands of Shinshū, and included both those derived from the vertical `main branch-affiliate temple-dōjō` type as well as the `priest-faithful` model).

だが、単なる諸門流・諸派の量的集合体のままでは、教団化はなしとげられないであろう。本願寺が親鸞一流的存在から(門流的形態への移行を経ないで)宗派的教団へと転化するには、従来の身分序列に直接抵触しない形で、かつ独自の身分の創出が計らなければならなかったのである。(62-63)(However, as groups of faithful could not be formed simply by merging sects and strands together but had to be done via demonstrating their lineage from Shinran, an independent status system had to be formed that did not touch upon any previous status model (ie,models that had been used by such sects and strands beforehand).

直参身分を得るための条件は何か。それは「上々様(蓮如)ノ御役ヲ一役ウケ」ることであった。「上々様」をより一般化すると時の宗主とその直系庶子ということになる。戦国期の本願寺に対する主な宗教役には、正月と盆との御礼役・二季彼岸役・宗祖忌(いむ)と前住忌の行事役等があるが、前二役は特に真宗教団に限定して見うけられる性格のものではない。彼の行事役こそ、蓮如教団に特有の役であり、先の「一役」に該当するものであろう。(63)(What were the conditions that would lead to recognition as having direct status? It depended on having actually received instruction (or a `role`, 役) from Rennyo himself. According to the understanding at the time, any referred to as `上々様`(
Kamigami sama) meant the head of the sect and any direct disciples. The main functions fulfilled by Honganji during the Sengoku era included festivities for the New Year and at Obon, together with the `二季彼岸役` and funeral services, although these latter roles were not exclusively practiced by Shinshū. Nevertheless, such rites were the exclusive privilege of Rennyo`s groups of faithful, and corresponded to the `roles` (ichi yaku) referred to earlier. 

一門の直門徒もまた直参といわれている。一門は別家でなく、宗主家に直接包括されている存在、といった意識の反映であろう。本願寺はまた地方在住の一門衆に与力(empowered)を付し、その護持にあたらせている。与力衆は地方寺院やその未寺・道場分の者からなっている。(63)(Monto directly under Honganji control (or Ichimon) were also referred to as having `direct status`. By this, it meant that the Monto concerned did not belong to any other Honganji temple or household, but were directly tied to the head of the sect. However, Honganji also appointed Ichimon within regional areas, empowering them with authority derived from the main temple. Such `empowered` groups derived from members of regional temples, affiliate temples, or dōjō.)

この「一門―与力衆・一門付直参衆」の関係、さらに「地方本寺―未寺・道場」の関係は、「本願寺―直参衆」の関係と同様、共に同じ「役」で形成・維持されている可能性が大きい。(63)The ties between `Ichimon` (those Monto tied to the head of the sect)` and empowered groups, together with believers of direct status linked to the Ichimon worked in the same way as the `regional main temple-affiliate temple-dōjō` ties and links between `Honganji and those of direct status`. There is a very strong possibility that both systems were created and maintained using the same `roles`

諸役の及んだ地理的範囲こそ、畿内近国と中間地帯であった。中国以西・中部以北にも、当然一向衆は存在している。(These particular roles were primarily concentrated in provinces of the Kinai and central regions. There were Ikkō groups further west and north of the central provinces, yet their affiliate Monto were not directly associated with Honganji, hence they were not seen as having `direct status` and thus not included in the groups of believers influenced by Rennyo.)

しかしそれら地方の門末は集団として直参諸役を担ってはいない。彼らは、地域的結集をとげた直参分の者とはなっていらず、したがって蓮如教団に参入していない一向衆とみなしうるのである。それらの地域は、未組織地帯といえよう。逆に、役に結ばれた地帯では、時の宗主の中央政局に関する種々の意向がストレートに直参分の人々に伝わり、直参分各層の現地における世俗的な種々の問題がストレートに山科・石山本願寺へもち込まれたことだろう。(64)(One could say that such regions were as yet `un-organized`. On the other hand, regions that played host to roles and duties from Honganji had systems of communication to allow the direct transmissions of opinion from the head of the sect and the central authorities to the direct status groups of believers. Moreover, those secular problems that beset the direct status groups in the regional areas could be directly brought to the attention of either Yamashina or Ishiyama Honganji.)

この役を担う人々はまた「講衆」と呼ばれている。講とは経義を論談する集会のことで、蓮如教団においては、宗祖忌・前住忌の毎月両度の宗教行事を意味する。蓮如教団のおのおのの成員は、当然現地で毎月両度の講会を執行し、それを勤めるための役をテコに、相互の衆的結集の維持、あるいは自門徒の組織化を行なっていたはずである。現地でこの講会がある程度実行されていたからこそ、本願寺での毎月両度の講会の役負担も可能だったにちがいない。(65)(The persons who took on such roles were referred to as `groups of lectures`. Lectures were meetings that brought the faithful together to discuss scripture, and within Rennyo affiliated groups, these lectures incorporated veneration of the founder of the sect and one`s ancestors. Each member of Rennyo`s groups of faithful would hold both ceremonies every month within their region. At these meetings, a distribution of roles, measures to maintain the cohesiveness of the group, and organization of one`s group of believers would have been the norm. It is precisely because such lectures were held to some extent in regional areas that we may infer that Honganji also held both ceremonies (lectures) every month).

大坊主分の多くは、旧来の序列に基つかない本願寺の直参化政策に、当初から反対だったにちがいない。本願寺が彼らを納得させうる論理を提示しなければ、蓮如教団はたちまち瓦解してしまうことだろう。ここに登場した論理こそ「御同朋・御同行」思想であった。すなわち「大坊主分」も「手つぎの坊主」も「小門徒」も、「師」も「弟子」も、「わが向行」も「ひとの同行」も、一列に「如来上人の御弟子」であるという論理である。この論理自体は、親鸞以来の超歴史的なものであり、現代においてもまま耳にすることばである。しかし、教説は不変でも、直参化の終った明治時代以後の人々が受け取るのと、戦国期の人々受け取るのとでは、その意味あいの深さ、影響の大きさが全く異なるのは当然であろう(65)(A majority of highly influential priests were against the policy of direct status in the beginning, seeing as it was not based on any precedent. If Honganji had been unable to persuade them of the logic involved in direct status, Rennyo`s followers would have broken up into separate factions. Hence the arrival of the ideology of `venerable companion` and `venerable illumination`. No matter what the status of the believer, be he the head of a temple, a lowly placed priest, a member of a smaller Monto, a teacher, acolyte, a follower of `our own beliefs` or the beliefs of the individual, each one was `an acolyte of Shakamuni`. This particular ideology has played a major role in history from the era of Shinran onwards, and is still heard today. Yet, although the message itself hasn`t changed, the manner in which it has been received by people post-Meiji Restoration and the manner in which it was received by people in the Sengoku era are entirely different in both depth and resonance.) 


(Many highly influential priests from major temples, as long as they were a member of Rennyo`s groups of followers, would receive instruction in the `lessons of Shakamuni` and `the lessons of Shinran`, in which no variations would, on the surface, be permitted. As a result of this usage of `venerable companionship` and `illumination`, affiliated Monto groups in regional areas who held vassal status would acquire characteristics which would make them, in abstract terms, a community of the Buddha, or in more concrete terms, a Honganji community (separate to the private characteristics of their affiliated main branch temple). In the post-Rennyo era, many statues and paintings continued to be distributed to the faithful. Half of these were given to `certain Monto of a certain temple`. As far as Honganji was concerned, all of those who received such images were communities of believers (implying that no distinction was made between them being communities of the Buddha or Honganji communities). However this did not mean that the logic of `venerable illumination` and `venerable companions` was egalitarian at the secular level).

ましてや、一揆を最終目的にすえて、そのための広範な戦線の結集をねらったものでもありえない。しかし、仏と宗祖の名で説かれる(とく)この論理は、宗教的にさまざまなレベルの身分の者を、半ば強制的に一体化させることに強い影響を与えたに違いない。一味同心的結集の恒常化(こうじょうか-consistant)に向けて、蓮如およびそれ以後の歴代宗主は、法語文、法語集を次々下付し、その中で同朋・同行たちの「同心」「寄り合い」「談合」の不可欠性を説き続けていったのである。(66)This logic did not advocate assembling the Monto for the purpose of raising a revolt. However, discussing the Buddha and one`s forebears had a profound influence in uniting groups of faithful (in spite of their various levels of religious status). With an eye towards the establishment of a consistent method of unification, Rennyo and his successors continued to hand down documents that preached the necessity of `venerable companions` and `venerable illumination` within the practices of `like-mindedness` `consultation` and `open discussion`).




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© Greg Pampling. This page was modified in December 2011